Welcome to the home of Chuck. Here you will find links to projects I'm working on, random tidbits of information about me, and a bunch of other useless content scattered about. If you're looking for something specific or needing custom work done, it's probably best to Contact Me directly.
For when you've run out of internet and are so bored you need to check out what a jolly fat guy does to stay awake. You can find far more content on my Github Page if you're interested
Computer Science & Mathematics
- MC6800 Instruction Set - A fancy table for educational purposes
- Statistics Calculator - A.K.A. The gateway to hell...
Artificial Intelligence
- ContextualDAT - Context Menu Shortcut to quickly template two website folders for model testing.
- DAT_Extension - The best extension to use with DA.tech.
- Invictus - Flash Cards for Moodle
Software Engineering
- JavaScript Playground - For testing purposes
Graphic Design
- Threshold via Weighted Color Channels - Improved Threshold Effect
- Color Quantizer - Coerce Images to Your Specified Color Palette